Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
24 Hour clock problem
Today i configured my MM software but there is a few problems i cant solve myself.
First my clock dont wanna change to the 24 Hours and remove pm/am. That a problem on both my calendar and my main clock. Here is some pics
-And in my config
Second my calendar wont work, i connect it to my Google calendar but, it don´t show up.
I wonder if i wrote something wrong in the config or its some with the download?
Please help ;) -
Hey Rasmus! Have you restarted MM after changing the config? Also is it on purpose you have changed the symbol to “min kalender”?
Hi @mdhenriksen
Yes i have tried that and did not work. “Min Kalender” is Danish and mens “My calender” and thats is my purpose yes, it was a video guide that showed me that. -
Hej Rasmus,
timeformat: “24” is wrong remove the quotes round 24(timeformat: 24,)
Hej igen
In the config for calendar there is a missing , after the curled bracket below the url. -
thanks @nilnik
I think i wrote it wrong cant figure our what
My config:
Thanks @nilnik
Which one is it?
no parentesis round timeformat. I only put them around the timeformat to explain how it should be.
komma after the upper bracket in your skiss. -
Thanks so much @nilnik
but the calendar dos not show up?