Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
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@dazza120 Hm… mine says
[-1191364720:motion] [NTC] [ALL] conf_load: Processing thread 0 - config file /etc/motion/motion.conf -
@sdetweil hi for some reason I have no motion.conf file in there, but I was getting tones of video clips stored in /home/Pi folder, can you tell me the best remove command for motion project as I’ll start again from scratch and looking at one of the files in the home/Pi folder it said
Install complete! The default configuration file, motion-dist.conf, has been
installed to /usr/local/etc/motion. You need to rename/copy it to motion.conf
for Motion to find it. More configuration examples as well as init scripts
can be found in /usr/local/share/motion/examples. -
@dazza120 weird… if u installed with
apt-get install motion
then the command is
apt-get --purge remove motion -
@sdetweil thanks done that, i seem to have a motion folder in this location /usr/local/etc/motion is the a folder that the pi had before do you know?
@dazza120 that is what u posted in the prior message