@evroom thanks for this, I am trying to get my vivotek cameras working,
omxplayer --avdict rtsp_transport:tcp --win 85,65,725,425 --live --video_queue 4 --fps 30 --no-osd rtsp://user:password@192.168.1.###/live1s3.sdp
This works great, and I see the feed perfect in the OMX player,
However, my config in the plugin doesn’t. I just get a black box. Any ideas would be appreciated.
module: "MMM-RTSPStream",
//disabled: false,
//disabled: true,
position: "top_right",
header: "Cameras",
config: {
autoStart: true,
rotateStreams: false,
moduleWidth: 640,
moduleHeight: 480,
localPlayer: 'omxplayer',
remotePlayer: 'none',
showSnapWhenPaused: false,
remoteSnaps: false,
stream1: {
name: 'Driveway',
url: 'rtsp://user:password@192.168.1.###/live1s3.sdp',
frameRate: "30",
protocol: "tcp",
width: 640,
height: 480,
omxRestart: 1,
hwAccel: true,