Setup version info
Pi version: Raspberry Pi Model 3B
OS: Raspbian Jessie Linux
MM version: 2.1.2
Installation style: Automatic
Problem description
I am not getting any errors. My entire display looks perfect when I connect from another computer which is on the whitelist, but the monitor attached to the pi just goes black whenever I start MM (I usually do it over SSH but starting with a keyboard plugged into the pi has the same result).
Using DISPLAY:=0 before npm start does not resolve the issue. Switching back the sample config does not resolve the issue.
IP Whitelist contains [“”,“”, “::ffff:”, “::1”,“localhost”], so I don’t think that’s the problem (also no “Access Denied for IP” errors when it starts)
This did not happen before I updated to 2.1.2, I was using 2.1.1 before. I updated node, npm, and Raspbian to the latest versions and no luck.
Anyone have any ideas? It’s got to be something minor since everything renders properly on other devices that connect. I would appreciate any and all info!
A separate issue I want to document because my googling found no answer:
I got the following error after turning on the Pi and trying to start MM over SSH:
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keynpm
You need to log into the Pi before starting MM over SSH. Apparently, most people are smart enough not to run into that but I want to find this thread next time I forget and have to google it.