@codac API 2.5 had different endpoints, but this version is deprecated. It could go offline at any time (since june 2024).
API 3.0 only supports the endpoint „onecall“
For more details you need to read the API docs yourself
@codac API 2.5 had different endpoints, but this version is deprecated. It could go offline at any time (since june 2024).
API 3.0 only supports the endpoint „onecall“
For more details you need to read the API docs yourself
I got it working and think there are a few tricky typos in your config.
module: “weather”,
position: “top_center”,
config: {
weatherProvider: “openweathermap”,
type: “current:,
weatherEndpoint: ‘/onecall’,
lat: ‘34.17188’.
lon: ‘-84.57056’,
apiVersion: ‘3.0’,
apiKey: 'nunya”
Line 5: closing quotation marks are missing
Line 7: point as line ending instead of comma
Line 10: wrong quotation mark
Your config entry type is from line 5 - 10.
@rabbit83ka I got it working, with a few modifications, so i can use the qr codes from my kids (our school uses MS365 Accounts for login, so unfortunately the username + password didn’t work…). You can find it here: https://github.com/heikogr/MMM-WebUntis wich is forked from https://github.com/r3wald/MMM-Webuntis wich is forked from https://github.com/thyed/MMM-Webuntis
@codac MMM-WeatherChart did also update to API 3.0
did you update your subscription for openweathermap?
Unfortunately you need to add a credit card. 1000 calls per day are free.
On my system the weather modules are working (with my api key)
the MMM-SoccerLiveScore has another API problem. not related to the magic mirror release. See: https://github.com/0m4r/MMM-SoccerLiveScore/issues/13
I just tested it. You can pass a header by yourself but need to add
appendLocationNameToHeader: false,
Otherwise it will add the timezone again.
disabled: false,
module: "weather",
header: "YOURCITY",
position: "top_right",
// See 'Configuration options' for more information.
weatherProvider: 'openweathermap',
appendLocationNameToHeader: false,
weatherEndpoint: '/onecall',
apiKey: 'API',
apiVersion: '3.0',
lat: '51.5',
lon: '9.52',
type: 'forecast',
colored: true,
fade: false,
maxNumberOfDays: 3,
degreeLabel: 'true',
showWindDirectionAsArrow: 'true',
decimalSymbol: ','
I would like to promote “my” MMM-WebUntis module. My version was forked from r3wald and originally created by thyed. Full credit goes to these developers for laying the groundwork - I would never be able to start this module myself!
This module is ideal if your school is using WebUntis software to manage timetables. It retrieves data via the WebUntis API and displays irregular lessons, cancellations, and more—all configurable to your needs.
@rabbit83ka I‘m not a developer either, but i think this is something i could do. But maybe it will take a few days
@RobertMuc did you run npm install
? i was able to reconstruct your error message by uninstalling the npm package.
@rabbit83ka you can try my newest commit (https://github.com/HeikoGr/MMM-Webuntis/). just add a line to your config.js:
mode: "compact",
Hello @RobertMuc,
did this error occur when you run npm check
unfortunately i was not able to adopt the check.js file from https://github.com/r3wald/MMM-Webuntis
The default is to show only changes in the schedule.
But you are right: a few more examples and screenshots are on my todo list!
You can try this (look for showRegularLessons).
disabled: false,
module: "MMM-Webuntis",
header: "schedule for next 3 days",
position: "top_right",
config: {
students: [
title: "children",
qrcode: "untis://s[...]",
days: 3,
showRegularLessons: true
@schmucke unfortunately I am not able to get the informations via the npm webuntis class from the untis API.
Don’t your children have own accounts you can use? Or do they have an MS365 login? In this case you can use the qr code login method.
@schmucke at the moment this module asks explicitly for the „own“ timetable. So the error is absolutely because of the parents account. I will look, if i can get the students data out of an existing parents account.
@RobertMuc did you run npm install
? i was able to reconstruct your error message by uninstalling the npm package.
Hello @RobertMuc,
did this error occur when you run npm check
unfortunately i was not able to adopt the check.js file from https://github.com/r3wald/MMM-Webuntis
I would like to promote “my” MMM-WebUntis module. My version was forked from r3wald and originally created by thyed. Full credit goes to these developers for laying the groundwork - I would never be able to start this module myself!
This module is ideal if your school is using WebUntis software to manage timetables. It retrieves data via the WebUntis API and displays irregular lessons, cancellations, and more—all configurable to your needs.
@codac MMM-WeatherChart did also update to API 3.0
did you update your subscription for openweathermap?
Unfortunately you need to add a credit card. 1000 calls per day are free.
On my system the weather modules are working (with my api key)
the MMM-SoccerLiveScore has another API problem. not related to the magic mirror release. See: https://github.com/0m4r/MMM-SoccerLiveScore/issues/13
@sdetweil at least when openweathermap is used.
@codac API 2.5 had different endpoints, but this version is deprecated. It could go offline at any time (since june 2024).
API 3.0 only supports the endpoint „onecall“
For more details you need to read the API docs yourself
@codac you need to add
weatherEndpoint: '/onecall',
for the weather module as it is using API 3.0 from openweathermap.
For the other modules i may look later if i have more time and access to my homelab