Worked like a champ. Thanks for the help.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-CalendarExt3
Thank you. I actually played with it quite a bit last week and specifically that line and couldn’t get it to work for me. I would end up adding a second week or multiple extra days. Interested to see what you find as the fix.
RE: MMM-CalendarExt3
Have another issue I just recently noticed. I have two different modules running, one in day view showing one week worth of calendar. The other is in month view. The day view is set with dayIndex of 0 so the current day is the first day. Day 7 on the view shows no events although they are shown for that day on the month view calendar. I could not find any similar posts with issues in this thread so hoping someone has seen and can provide some help. Here are screenshots for reference. It is always the last day in the day view, so for right now Tuesday the 24th is where the issue lies. I’ve changed weeksInView to 2 and it was always just the last day of the series.
Week View:
Month View:
RE: MMM-CalendarExt3
Have a question I’m hoping others may have seen and resolved.
Currently I run my MagicMirror in server mode and have popover enabled on my calendar. When I access from a computer with a mouse and click the individual calendar events the popover comes up as expected. When I access from my tablet the popover will not come up when I touch the individual events. Other modules I have such as MMM-OnScreenMenu responds appropriately to touch on the tablets.
I’m hoping others may have seen this and have a recommendation for what I should look at. I’m assuming there is a setting somewhere in one of the files I need to enable or define in some specific way in the config file.
Everything with the module otherwise works perfectly, just the one item I’m trying to resolve with popover when using with a tablet touchscreen.
Thank you