hi @alphabeta77

I haven’t come across any end-to-end solutions that sound like what you’re looking for. But maybe you could duct-tape some existing building blocks together and get to where you wanted?

For instance a google search shows up some details for Raspberry Pi Photo Booth projects that you could follow. Like


(no affiliation, just has a link to a wiki so maybe the documentation is helpful). You might be able to learn enough from what’s there to integrate PhotoBooth functionality into your Magic Mirror (and include some hardware in your mirror build - at least a PiCam and a button I guess - to trigger taking a photo and perhaps save it to a local directory)?

Then there must be some MagicMirror Modules you could try out that would display random images from your local directory - at a configurable delay - maybe like


and then you’d have images from your gallery of outfits shown on your mirror. (again no affiliation to this one either, just another google result)

Hope this helps, if you try it let us know how you get on : )