the export is used on the MagicMirror system side. it is paired with the
node server execution, which launches MagicMirror without a ui.
then when the server is running, run-start.sh launches a browser to connect to the server

the export has nothing to do with vnc,
it is just used to tell run-start.sh which browser to launch. (on linux, env variables are NOT passed to children processes by default. you have to use the export keyword to enable it, for each env var you want to pass)

if you set the MagicMirror config.js.js to

address:"", ipWhitelist:[],

then you can use a browser on your phone, Windows, Linux, or Mac system to view MagicMirror directly without vnc

the killed message is because you restarted MagicMirror, and run-start.sh found the server instance running already. so it must be stopped and restarted in case you changed the config