Hello, I believe I’m using the correct location id. I wasn’t able to go to the website that’s listed in the config, bulk.openweather.org, so I went to http://openweathermap.org/help/city_list.txt. I’m trying to display the weather for El Centro California and the id on there is ‘5345609’ but weather still seems off.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Current Weather giving wrong time and weather
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
@KirAsh4 Alright I think I fixed it. What I did was I went into the translations folder and I renamed en.js to en-us.js. After that I went into the config and changed en to en-us.
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
@KirAsh4 Looks like all languages work but when I change the language to en I get a black screen
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
@KirAsh4 Okay I just changed the language from en to nl (just to see what’ll happen) and now it works!
But now everything is in the “nl” language but when I change it back to “en” the screen is black again
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
@KirAsh4 Update Node.js and I’m still having the problem
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
I used the automatic installer located here, https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror, and followed every step.
I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
I’m running Raspian Jesse 4.4, Node v4.4.3.
The MagicMirror is up-to-date -
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
Did it using the sample config and renaming it to config.js. I still get a black screen, but if I do “node serveronly” with the same files it works in my browser.
I’m getting no errors besides the “No helper found for module” (all of them)
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
Alright so I fixed the problem of the two instances opening but when I run ‘DISPLAY=:0 npm start’ It’s still blank.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Like I said before it works when I use "node serveronly’
RE: Blank black screen | Noob
Alright so at startup I have two instances running, one white and one black (both are blank).
- I have another folder that I messed up in so I deleted everything in it and just renamed it to something else. Currently it is empty. While the other folder, MagicMirror, is a clean install.
- Not manually. Is there a way I can disable MagicMirror from starting automatically?
3.I’m typing ‘node serveronly’ in the MagicMirror folder (It works fine here after I close out all other instances of MagicMirror using ‘pm2 stop mm.sdh’
Blank black screen | Noob
So if I use Node serveronly I can see the mirror working just fine in my browser but as soon as I go into the terminal and type in pm2 start mm.sh that mirror is blank. I don’t know what else to do since this is my first time every working with a Raspberry Pi.
I also have two MagicMirrors opening on startup