Ok merci bien ! ( je me disais bien, ton pseudo sonne bon la France! ) ;-)
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-Hotword
RE: MMM-Hotword
thank you very much for putting me on the right way!
last question: is it possible to change language of the assistant to an other (french for exemple) -
RE: MMM-Hotword
Ok,thank you.
So which module(s) do you suggest to make work a Google assistant ? -
RE: MMM-Hotword
Thank you for your answer.
I only want to make a smart mirror with a Google assistant (MMM-AssistantMk2) with a custom hotword.
I followed this tutorial :
I followed it except I’m running on Buster (vs Stretch in the tuto).
I guess things have changed since the year of publication of this tutorial.
Hope I answerd your question. -
RE: MMM-Hotword
@Bugsounet Hello,
I just wanted to use this module to custom my magic mirror hotword détection.Sorry for my numb question but why disable this fantastic module? Or is there a new one updated?
Thank you so much -
RE: MMM-Hotword
Hello everybody,
Today I tried to install MMM-Hotword from https://github.com/eouia/MMM-Hotword.git but I get à 404 error.
It seems the page has been moved or disabled.
If so, could someone send me the contents of the git?
Thank you in advance for your help!