I am having a bit of trouble after deploying to heroku. The mirror runs great on my localhost but on heroku the weather shows “Loading…”. I know it has something to do with the API. Can anyone help me? Also I installed the mm-music-player and again it runs great locally but when I deploy it to heroku it makes my whole screen black. I commented out the code on the config file and then it runs fine again.
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Deploying to heroku troubleshooting
RE: Simple Music Player Module
@denalove I got it, found the solution. I added the module to the defaultmodules.js file and it didn’t need to be there.
RE: Simple Music Player Module
I am experiencing a black blank screen after installing the music player code. Here is my code
Loading config ... Loading module helpers ... No helper found for module: alert. No helper found for module: clock. Initializing new module helper ... No helper found for module: compliments. No helper found for module: mm-music-player. No helper found for module: currentweather. No helper found for module: weatherforecast. Initializing new module helper ... All module helpers loaded. Starting server op port 8080 ... Server started ... Connecting socket for: calendar Starting node helper for: calendar Connecting socket for: newsfeed Starting module: newsfeed Sockets connected & modules started ... Launching application.
I’ve only customized the calendar so far, haven’t messed with the other modules just yet. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?
Edit from admin: Please use Markdown on shell output so it is easier to read!