So I’ve found another possibility to do everything I need, I found a website showing me how to setup a secondary web server to control the led strip, I’ve modified it to my specifications but I’m stuck on how to implement it into my mirror. I am able to view the webpage via my pi’s ip and port however the webpage won’t seem to work in an iframe module as I had hoped.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Request for help: LED Control module for and 5050smd strip
RE: Request for help: LED Control module for and 5050smd strip
That kind of does what I want in a round about way, I do want the sliders though as I do want to be able to control the colour, I do there is a python script which does just this from a book entitled “Programming the raspberry pi” the author has a github which has open access to the script. Essentially the script opens up a Tkinter window with sliders for each colour. Would it be possible to incorporate the sliders into a module, I’m a little fuzzy on how the modules work if they are entirely JavaScript or if HTML is possible?
Request for help: LED Control module for and 5050smd strip
I am looking for some help with a problem I’ve been trying to wrap my head around for about 4 month now. I have a 5m length of analogue LED strip (smd5050) that I want to attach surrounding my mirror providing lighting for the missus to be able to do her makeup etc. I have already prepped a circuit board using mosfets to control the strip as done in this tutorial I’m however stuck on the software side, I haven’t done much JavaScript in some time and even then my knowledge was very basic. I’m looking to create a module with a) a button for on and off, b) a timer that can be set in config to auto turn off light if left on c) three vertical sliders to control the individual rub values of the strip. I know it’s pretty specific, I’m looking for some direction on how to achieve these things especially in regards to the sliders. Thanks in advance.