I am new to all this, forgive me if I am missing something easy. I am trying to add the calendar into my Dashboard I am trying to create. I am using 2 calendars, my personal calendar(google) and a US Holidays calendar. On December 1st I have 2 events but one is showing up the day before and on December 9th I have an event that shows up on December 8th and the same for December 11th, It shows up on December the 10th. I am not sure how to fix that, Also you can see the Holidays show up 2 days in a row. Thanksgiving is on Wednesday and Thursday, and Christmas is 2 days. Also on the MMM config(and in Google) i have the time set to 12 hours and in the calendar it displays 24. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix these problems? Hopefully the picture uploads. Here is my config. I tried somethings and commented them out.
module: ‘MMM-CalendarExt’,
position: “top_bar”,
config: {
weeksTitle: ‘weeks’,
weeksFormat: ‘wo’,
weekdayFormat: ‘dd’,
titleFormat: ‘D’,
OverTitleFormat: ‘MMM D’,
//overflowRolling: 1,
//overflowHeight: 80,
//overflowDuration: 50,
//oneLineEvent: 0,
calendars :[
styleName: "style6",
symbol: 'us@md',
url: "/basic.ics"
styleName: "style6",
symbol: 'us@md',
url: "webcal://www.calendarlabs.com/ical-calendar/ics/76/US_Holidays.ics"