@mykle1 Thank you ! And thanks for the work you do for this nice community !
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-MySenseHat
A magicMirror module to use with Raspberry’ Sense Hat !
The module will display infos from sensors,
and version info about package (if uptodate ot not)all sensors option turned off :
and the Sense Hat will display a slide between different modes,
edit config.js to turn modes on/off :- display a text message on start
- a pixel monster with eyes (colors are random) - 10 different monsters in last version
- a clock (colors are random)
- pixel art : every pixel is random
- pixel art : random pixels mirrored
- temperature from sensor (random colors, temp color has more red than background)
will display red exclamation point if over 64°C - a red dot line for raspberry CPU load
- a green dot line for raspberry RAM load
RE: SenseHat data on MM?
@lavolp3 :face_savouring_delicious_food:
just had the idea of a tamagotchi-like (using sensors and MagicMirror to display life stats etc.) : MMM-MySenseHatTamagotchi
im searching too for 8x8 ideas, and wrote some on the module page (MMM-MySenseHat), in issues section. Maybe you’ll find ideas there, to help you find other ideas !
let’s 8x8 !
RE: SenseHat data on MM?
Hello, a MagicMirror module for rapsberry sensehat :