@Mykle1 your my hero :)
That was amazing :) thank you so much, maybe its time to edit the readme :)
@Mykle1 your my hero :)
That was amazing :) thank you so much, maybe its time to edit the readme :)
So I can insert rss feed into MMM-News module? Then I will look more att it tomorrow, thanks again @Mykle1
I’d like some more news from Norway, but only option I see is ‘Aftenposten’ from newsapi.org, is it possible with other news site from Norway too? I’m using MMM-News, but can change to others if thats a better option
Just started this a few days ago so I’m learning every day, thank you
@sdetweil you were absolutely correct! Thank you, great forum and amazing help we get here
yeah, maybe that
its supposed to be in : /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules ?
sorry, thats a error from me, could not copy the text so I had to write it myself
*Failed to load resource: the :8080/modules/MMM-Ca…MMM-CalendarWeek.js
*Error on loading script : modules/MMMCalendarWeek//MMM-CalendarWeek.js
Those are the two errors I cand find, but I got it installed?
I’m trying this calendarWeek, just like the module (code) down below here, just changed the ical url to my calendar (Arsenal…) But nothing shows on my mirror?
Maybe I have to wait for it to update? All others on my mirror shows.
module: “MMM-CalendarWeek”,
position: “bottom_bar”,
config: {
maximumNumberOfDays: 7,
calendars: [
symbol: “google”,
url: “https://PRIVATE CALENDAR URL”,
No, I meant for the person who made it :)
@Mykle1 your my hero :)
That was amazing :) thank you so much, maybe its time to edit the readme :)