I’m using the MMM-Scrobbler and really liking it. I would also like to display the last played song if there is no current song playing. Now i wonder if somebody can help me with how I can make this work?
Thank you for reading!
I’m using the MMM-Scrobbler and really liking it. I would also like to display the last played song if there is no current song playing. Now i wonder if somebody can help me with how I can make this work?
Thank you for reading!
Heey i just check your config file and found that there are some differences compared to the config in the readme file. Something i noticed is to check if there is a }, after each { . Example
module: "MMM-AssistantMk2",
position: "top_right",
config: {
deviceLocation: {
coordinates: { // set the latitude and longitude of the device to get localized information like weather or time. (ref. mygeoposition.com)
latitude: 45.200049, // -90.0 - +90.0
longitude: 7.568917, // -180.0 - +180.0
there is twice }, at the end to close both the {
Can you check for me if this works?
module: "MMM-AssistantMk2",
position: "top_right",
config: {
// --- ESSENTIALS / modifying for your environment might be needed.
deviceLocation: {
coordinates: { // set the latitude and longitude of the device to get localized information like weather or time. (ref. mygeoposition.com)
latitude: 45.200049, // -90.0 - +90.0
longitude: 7.568917, // -180.0 - +180.0
defaultProfile: "default", // If you have several profiles and want to set one of them as default profile, describe here.
profiles: {
"default" : { // profile name.
profileFile: "default.json", // profile file name.
lang: "it-IT"
//currently available (estimation, not all tested):
// de-DE, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, en-IN
// fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, es-ES, es-MX, ko-KR, pt-BR
// https://developers.google.com/assistant/sdk/reference/rpc/languages
record: { // Full values are in `FOR EXPERTS` section.
recordProgram: "arecord", // Defaults to "arecord" - also supports "rec" and "sox"
device: null // recording device (e.g.: "plughw:1")
play: { // Full values are in `FOR EXPERTS` section.
playProgram: "mpg321", // recommended.