@mumblebaj Thank you so much for your efforts! For whatever reason, if those sections are commented out and pages is enabled, the map fails to load on my rpi (it would load if I disabled pages). I reinstalled both pages and BirdNET, disabled all other modules, removed custom.css, etc., but it wouldn’t work.
I’ve given up trying to resolve this because I was able to make MMM-Carousel work for my purposes. For anyone wondering, my struggle with Carousel was configuring multiple instances of the default weather app—an “ignored” current weather instance to always remain on the screen and a forecast weather instance to appear on another page. I couldn’t make it work using the carouselId method. Instead, I duplicated the default weather module. With that done, I was easily able to ignore “weather” and put “weather2” on another page. BirdNET works perfectly and I’m all set.
Thanks again for your time!