I tried several more ids and it finally worked. Thanks for you’re help
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Current weather appid
Current weather appid
So I almost have my mirror up and running, Im having issues with the weather and I cant seem to figure it out.
It populates on the screen loads then says my appid is incorrect.
Ive made an account and tried several API keys, Ive tried it in a browser and received the data in the browserhttp://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk&appid=MYIDHERE
{"coord":{"lon":-0.13,"lat":51.51},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10d"}],"base":"cmc stations","main":{"temp":286.022,"pressure":1006.2,"humidity":100,"temp_min":286.022,"temp_max":286.022,"sea_level":1015.94,"grnd_level":1006.2},"wind":{"speed":3.71,"deg":208.506},"rain":{"3h":2.055},"clouds":{"all":56},"dt":1463577839,"sys":{"message":0.0051,"country":"GB","sunrise":1463544189,"sunset":1463601105},"id":2643743,"name":"London","cod":200}
This is the code I have in my config:
{ module: 'currentweather', position: 'top_right', // This can be any of the regions. // Best results in left or right regions. config: { // See 'Configuration options' for more information. location: 'Amsterdam,Netherlands', appid: 'YOUR_ID_HERE' } },
Any help would be appreciated greatly! thanks again!
Edit from admin: Removed your
since it should probably not be public. -
RE: Config Help!
@MichMich I tried the jshint and jslint but, was not successful because of my lack of knowledge in this language. I fixed it but basically scrapping the whole file and doing one section at a time. I learnt a whole lot in two hours though haha
Config Help!
Morning everyone!
I’ve been trying to get my mirror running for the past few days but I am stumped! I cant get my config file to work the Magic Mirror screen pops up and says if you have a config file to lint it and I have. I rant the pm2 log and i says “mm-0 (err): WARNING! Could not find config. Please create one.”
Would you please take a peek at my config file for me? If i missed an obvious step please let me know!
var config = { port : 8080, language : 'en', timeFormat : 24, units : 'metric', modules : [{ module : 'clock', position : 'top_left' config : { timeFormat : 24, displaySeconds : false, showPeriod : false, showPeriodUpper : false } }, { module : 'calendar', header : 'Calendar', position : 'top_left', config : { calendars : [{ symbol : 'calendar-check-o', url : 'webcal://www.calendarlabs.com/templates/ical/Canada-Holidays.ics' } ] maximumEntries : 10, maximumNumberOfDays : 365, displaySymbol : true, defaultSymbol : calendar, maxTitleLength : 25, fetchInterval : 900000, animationSpeed : 2000, fade : true, fadePoint : 0.25, loadingText : 'Loading...', emptyCalendarText : 'No Text to Display...', todayText : 'Today', tomorrowText : 'Tomorrow', runningText : 'coming up' } }, { module : 'currentweather', position : 'top_right', config : [{ location : 'Sylvan Lake', appid : '6160806', units : metric, updateInterval : 900000, animationSpeed : 2000, timeFormat : 24, showPeriod : false, showPeriodUpper : false, lang : en, initialLoadDelay : 0, retryDelay : 2500, apiVersion : 2.5, apiBase : 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/', weatherEndpoint : 'weather', iconTable : { '01d' : 'wi-day-sunny', '02d' : 'wi-day-cloudy', '03d' : 'wi-cloudy', '04d' : 'wi-cloudy-windy', '09d' : 'wi-showers', '10d' : 'wi-rain', '11d' : 'wi-thunderstorm', '13d' : 'wi-snow', '50d' : 'wi-fog', '01n' : 'wi-night-clear', '02n' : 'wi-night-cloudy', '03n' : 'wi-night-cloudy', '04n' : 'wi-night-cloudy', '09n' : 'wi-night-showers', '10n' : 'wi-night-rain', '11n' : 'wi-night-thunderstorm', '13n' : 'wi-night-snow', '50n' : 'wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy' } } ] }, { module : 'newsfeed', position : 'bottom_bar', config : { feeds : [{ title : "CBC Top Stories", url : "http://rss.cbc.ca/lineup/topstories.xml", }{ title : "CBC Calgary", url : "http://rss.cbc.ca/lineup/canada-calgary.xml", }{ title : "CBC World Stories", url : "http://rss.cbc.ca/lineup/World.xml", } ], showSourceTitle : true, showPublishDate : true, showDescription : true, reloadInterval : 900000, updateInterval : 300000, animationSpeed : 2000 } }, ] }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = config; }
Note from admin: Please use Markdown on code snippets so it is easier to read!