@sdetweil Hi thx for the fast reply. This is a script from the creator of the module. In the module folder is another folder with scripts. The description how to use it is:
script: Either a absolute path or the realtive path of a script starting at the “scripts” directory. Make sure to add a “./” as prefix if you call a script in the “scripts” directory.
And in his example he did this:
module: "MMM-CommandToNotification",
disabled: false,
config: {
updateInterval: 10,
commands: [
script: "./randomInteger.js",
args: "-10 10",
timeout: 5,
notifications: [
script: "./randomNumberJson.js",
args: "-50 20",
skips: 3,
timeout: 10,
conditions: {
returnCode: [0,1,2]
notifications: [
["TEST4", true]
I changed it to:
script: “./temperature/dht22”,