I am not getting a neat list with this module, all readings from my temperature meters is shown on two lines and it’s kinda messing up the screen. Any idea what the problem is?
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-Domiticz
RE: MMM-SensorGateway
Did a clean install and it works like a charm now, thank you very much for all the effort taken…
RE: MMM-SensorGateway
I followed your reame.md and everything is going according the readme until i start up the ble service and check the status. It is giving me a error on the local_blegatewaykickstart.sh status is 1/Failure.
When running ruuvitag -f it will show all ruuvitags just fine, digging in the code a little and the error it seems there is a problem with websocket and codeparser i get this as missing modules, maybe this helps to solve the problem?