I would love a module that connects to some kind of app and can see what we plan to have for dinner each night given that it is filled in etc.
I have tried both of the modules that should be capable of doing this (MMM-PaprikaMenu - Wanted me to sign up for premium, didn’t seem to work any other way and MMM-Airtable - Just didn’t work. I think its because Airtable have stopped using API token, but not 100%)
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Request for a dinner plan
RE: Newbie - Need to ask about the best pi to use for MagicMirror
@sdetweil Yeah can’t say I am too sure myself.
Thanks for your help
RE: Newbie - Need to ask about the best pi to use for MagicMirror
@sdetweil Ill give that a go! Thank you!
So, is there anything I can do to speed it up.
Sometimes it runs okay, but something as simple as opening a webpage or a config file seems to make it go really slow or sometimes it just crashes completely.
RE: Newbie - Need to ask about the best pi to use for MagicMirror
Hey @sdetweil
It seems to be working a bit better since installing something called ZRAM?
I don’t know how to remote into the pi and all that haha. I have attached a picture of the results, let me know what you think
Newbie - Need to ask about the best pi to use for MagicMirror
Evening guys! Hope you are doing well
I have recently bought a Raspberry Pi 3 A+ with the intention of installing MM. However, I am coming up against various issues. The main one being that it feels like my Pi simply can’t handle it. I have been at it for days now and I have even gone as far as removing all the modules besides the time, weather and news and it still seems to be struggling.Have I bought the wrong Pi? Is there anything I can do to speed it up? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Thanks for reading!