Hi !
Currently I am facing two problems with the calendar module.

The number of entries isn’t limited, although I asked for max. 8 entries One google calendar isn’t shown, although there are 7 others that can be displayed.

Is there anyone, who can tell me, what I did wrong ?

The relevant parts of my config.js:

{ module: 'calendar', header: 'Kalender der Familie xxx', position: 'top_left', config: { getRelative: 0, timeFormat: 'absolute', dateFormat: 'ddd D.MMM HH:mm', fullDayEventDateFormat: 'ddd D.MMM', urgency: 3, fade: false, maximumEntries: 8, calendars: [ { // Kalle symbol: 'bicycle', url: 'webcal://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/4q6xxxd3/basic.ics' } ,{ // Familie xxx