I now tried to solve this via ioBroker. I was able to adjust ioBroker via Node-RED to read out the temperature from my Hue motion sensor:
I tried to integrate this value via MMM-ioBroker.
But I can’t get MMM-ioBroker to read the value 20,31.
The config.js I use is:
module: 'MMM-ioBroker',
position: 'top_right',
config: {
host: 'localhost',
port: '8081',
https: false,
devices: [
{ name: 'Haustemperatur',
deviceStates: [
{ id: 'node-red.0.hue.temperatur', icon: 'wi wi-thermometer', suffix: '°' },
The MagicMirror only shows a “-” where the 20,31 should be. The rest of the module loads fine.
Opening http://localhost:8081 in a browser opens the ioBroker on my Pi without any problem.
Does anyone have an idea?