ich benötige bitte hilfe ich bin relativ unerfahren bei der sache zu erstellen ich Calendarexte wo ist der fehlerbitte um hilfe lg mario

modules: [ { module: "alert", }, { module: "updatenotification", position: "top_bar" }, { module: "clock", position: "top_left" }, { module: 'MMM-MonthCalendar', position: "top_left", header: " Mario-Kalender", config: { updateDelay: 5, showAdjacentMonths: true } }, { module: "calendar", header: "Feiertage und Ferien ", position: "bottom_left", config: { calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-check", url: "webcal://ferienwiki.de/exports/feiertage/2023/de" }, { symbol: "Mycalendar", url: "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/mario.hink1980%40gmail.com/private-a8b273b25102xxxxxxxx2af76d01/basic.ics" } }, { module: "MMM-CalendarExt3", position: "bottom_bar", title: "", config: { mode: "month", instanceId: "basicCalendar", locale: 'de-DE', maxEventLines: 5, firstDayOfWeek: 1, calendarSet: ['us_holiday', 'abfall', 'mytest'], /* default/calendar module configuration */ { module: "calendar", position: "top_left", config: { broadcastPastEvents: true, // <= IMPORTANT to see past events calendars: [ { url: "webcal://www.calendarlabs.com/ical-calendar/ics/76/US_Holidays.ics", name: "us_holiday", // <= RECOMMENDED to assign name color: "red" // <= RECOMMENDED to assign color } }, ] }, { module: "compliments", position: "lower_third" }, { module: "weather", position: "bottom_right", config: { weatherProvider: "openweathermap", type: "current", location: "Kreis-Wesel-Moers", locationID: "2870221", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city apiKey: "99530fcf9xxxxxxxd6b7fa6" } }, { module: "weather", position: "top_right", header: "Wetter Vorhersage Kreis Wesel", config: { weatherProvider: "openweathermap", type: "forecast", location: "Kreis-Wesel-Moers", locationID: "2870221", //ID from http://bulk.openweathermap.org/sample/city.list.json.gz; unzip the gz file and find your city apiKey: "99530fcf932d2cb913xxxxx7fa6" } }, { module: 'MMM-Globe', position: 'top_right', config: { style: 'natColor', imageSize: 40, ownImagePath:'', updateInterval: 3*60*1000 } }, /*{ module: 'MMM-SystemStats', position: 'bottom_right', // This can be any of the regions. // classes: 'small dimmed', // Add your own styling. OPTIONAL. // header: 'System Stats', // Set the header text OPTIONAL config: { updateInterval: 10000, // every 10 seconds align: 'right', // align labels //header: 'System Stats', // This is optional units: 'metric', // default, metric, imperial view: 'textAndIcon', } },*/ { module: 'MMM-BackgroundSlideshow', position: 'fullscreen_below', config: { imagePaths: ['modules/MMM-BackgroundSlideshow/exampleImages/'], transitionImages: true, randomizeImageOrder: true } }, { module: "newsfeed", position: "top_bar", config: { feeds: [ { title: "Nachrichten aus der Welt", url: "https://www.tagesschau.de/xml/rss2" } ], showSourceTitle: true, showPublishDate: true, broadcastNewsFeeds: true, broadcastNewsUpdates: true } }, ] }; /*************** DO NOT EDIT THE LINE BELOW ***************/ if (typeof module !== "undefined") {module.exports = config;}