Hi, thank you all for your comments and suggestions.
@tbbear I will take a look at your module, thanks!
@ninjabreadman, thank you for the detailed explanation. So, the best solution for my needs would be the iframe module? I agree with you that additional browser on top of the screen may look bulky, and every time I reboot the mirror I will have to launch and setup it again, etc.
I’ve had Logitech keyboard with a touchpad, (with IRDA) and I’ve started using it for the mirror, its quite easy to launch a video while im shaving or going to the shower, so the controls is not the biggest problem.
I would like to have a flexibility to change the size of the video, or make it full screen, and them hide it completely when not needed to show the regular modules. I thought the browser is the best option. The black background actually is not so important, since there will be video playing, it’s the frames and controls with light gray very distracting.