My account has been fixed and unflagged. Should be able to access the repo now.
My account has been fixed and unflagged. Should be able to access the repo now.
So I’ve been trying a bunch of random things I could find on public forums to no avail. I went to create a community post on Github, and was made aware that my GitHub account had been flagged? So due to that, my account and repo isn’t visible atm. I have no idea how that would be possible considering I just made the account and created the one repo.
I’ll keep you guys posted once its resolved.
@sdetweil I didn’t use the github website to create my repo. I used a CLI. I’ll look around some more on forums to see how this can be resolved.
@sdetweil hmm. I’ll have to look further into this weekend. Based on a quick search, it appears I am missing an index.html file.
@sdetweil @Alexjons Im not too sure why the link isn’t working? I click it on my side and it takes me to my repo.
Try removing the “.git” at the end of the link maybe? The repo isn’t private. See the screenshot.
@Alexjons I just realized you’re the one I’ve been talking to on Bugsounets forum lol. Just dawned on me that you used different account names.
Shopping list module that utilizes MMM-GoogleAssistant to add or remove items from a list.
Hi Alex,
I’ve created a shopping list module that relies on @bugsounet MMM-GoogleAssistant module.
The module uses voice commands to add items to a shopping list, organizing each item as a bullet point on your mirror. There is also a component that hosts a local web server that you can access by phone and download a PDF of the items currently on your list. Once you’ve gone shopping, you can come home and tell the mirror to clear the shopping list.
Check out my repo: