I know I’ve seen it on here but can’t find how to identify which version of various software is installed…
node, npm, MagicMirror and others…
Dennis N6NG
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Version identification
RE: Where to find Pi 3B+ or Pi4
You can always watch this site like I’m doing.
Dennis N6NG -
RE: MMM-Remote-Control
@sdetweil Arrrgh… that was it… thanks again Sam… One more time…
Dennis -
RE: MMM-Remote-Control
@N6NG I found it…I did ifconfig and it gave me the ipaddress as so that’s the address I’ve been trying… how I get the rejection notice…
Dennis N6NG -
RE: MMM-Remote-Control
@sdetweil Yes … I’m trying to connect to MagicMirror address
I think that is the address of my MagicMirror but now I’m trying to remember where I got that address from.
Dennis -
Had MMM-Remote-Control working at one time… then I had to reinstall the module and now for some reason it doesn’t work… I get the result from trying to access the MagicMirror from my PC Win 10 that says “192.168.x.xx refused to connect”
I’ve got my whitelist set to :address: ‘’,
port: 8080,
ipWhitelist: [],
timeFormat: 12,trying to access from
I’ve looked through the resolved issues regarding Remote-Control and not
found anything simular.Any ideas?
Raspberry Pi pins
What are the size of the header pins on the Raspberry Pi ? I’m thinking they are all the same size for all the Raspberry Pi s.
I want to get some connectors for those pins so if anyone has a supplier for the pin connectors I’d appreciate you pointing me in that direction…
Thanks all you smart people out there…
Dennis N6NG -
RE: RPi 3B+ with 'Bullseye' can't rotate screen?
@fribse It is in the boot/config.txt file itself. Not in the MagicMirror/config/config.js file.
Just cd /boot and sudo nano config.txt and either find the display_rotate=0 and change it to display_rotate=1
or add the line display_rotate=1 I added it under the #config_hdmi_boost=4 line but I suspect you could add it just about anywhere…
Dennis N6NG -
RE: RPi 3B+ with 'Bullseye' can't rotate screen?
@fribse I use a RPi3 B+ and Bullseye and I do the rotate in the boot/config.txt and it works ok for me.