Congratulations, @Sean on a new build! The installation method went through like a charm, and I’m even happy to report that my build, a Pi3 with Google Hat, responded perfectly, even though v2 would not recognize it.
But I do have one snag trying to implement it.
Raspbian Stretch, Pi3B+, with Google Voice Hat, latest MM. Clean install of AssistantMk2, although I had an assistant.json and profile saved from a previous iteration. Installation went, as I say, beautifully, with the GCC 7 downgrade, proper assignment of the Google Hat input and output and everything. But MM would not load, and my logs showed the same gRPC module error we used to get on v2 from not having the right npm install.
So I followed the old instructions from that build, namely
npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild
in both the AssistantMk2 and Hotword directories, and that seems to have fixed the issue.
Now I’ve got it working, except it’s not working. The first “smartmirror” command engages the Assistant, the tone sounds, but no matter what I say, the module says it did not understand, goes away, and cannot be invoked again unless I restart MM entirely. Logs end with
[HOTWORD] Final Result: { detected: true,
0|mm | hotword: ‘SMARTMIRROR’,
0|mm | file: ‘temp/afterRecording.wav’ }
…but not a lot more info than that. Could be related to the mmap issue I know you are working on, but what do I know? So I thought I would report it.