New here and just set up a mirrorless version. I would like to have a slide show using images from google photos/drive/blabla and, either depending on which image it is (if (image==“bg_weather.jpg”…), turn on/off modules, or, use some slide show module for 1 loop, and then 10 sec where the slideshow module is off and instead are showing time and weather on some custom background. Pref. fading the modules on/off.
So the end result in either solution would be no modules showing and only image 1 for 10 sec, image 2 for 10 sec, image 3 for 10 sec … and then 10 sec with no image/custom bg and time and weather module showing. And then back to no modules showing and looping through the images again. New here, so perhaps there already is a solution/module…activator(?) out there, but I just haven’t found it yet.