I was thinking the same thing!
I’ve also got some IP camera’s at home (Xiaomi XiaoYi Camera) but unfortunately it uses a sort of closed system and won’t allow any access to RTSP etc
What camera’s do you have?
I was thinking the same thing!
I’ve also got some IP camera’s at home (Xiaomi XiaoYi Camera) but unfortunately it uses a sort of closed system and won’t allow any access to RTSP etc
What camera’s do you have?
@kanczug It was pretty easy to setup! Basically followed the instructions in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frH9HaQTFL8)
I connected the button to GPIO18
Noticed my first button didn’t work unless I had a 10k resistor between the button and GPIO18
I bought an external sound card for the mic and speakers from PiHut for £3!
Here is my Magic Mirror