Does anybody know a module which can work with a cam connected to the Pi-board?
Idea: Using this instead of mounting a spy-mirror in front of the display. Would give advantage concerning brightness/contrast and saves the money for a spymirror…
Does anybody know a module which can work with a cam connected to the Pi-board?
Idea: Using this instead of mounting a spy-mirror in front of the display. Would give advantage concerning brightness/contrast and saves the money for a spymirror…
The module works fine as long as i do not access MM2 via http.
On the main-screen, everything looks good, but on the MM2, Emails and accounts double up, so if i have 2 Email-Accounts and 2 Emails, i have 4 afterwards.
If i do it again via http, i have 6 entries…strange
In this case, i have to rebbot the pi to fix it
any ideas?
@roramirez Works like a charm…
Thaaaaank you!!!
@roramirez does that mean that I only have to do an
npm install express-ipfilter
from the rooter with my console, if I have the actual magic mirror installed?
Exactly the same issue and behaviour here…
whats the string to get all ip-ranges (internal and external) access to MM2?
MM2 stays black and there is also no access via http
anybody can explain exactly the parameters of the string?
@rcollie if it works in your way, then its ok. My works also, so just an alternative “help”…
@rcollie thats the way it works here…:-)
var config = {
port: 8088,
ipWhitelist: [“”, “::ffff:”, “::1”,“::ffff:”,“”],
ipWhitelist: [“”, “::ffff:”, “::1”,“::ffff:”,“”],
language: “de”,
timeFormat: 24,
units: “metric”,
modules: [
ok. try to split it into 2 entries…
pWhitelist: [“”, “::ffff:”, “::1”, “::ffff:”, “::ffff:”],
you are sure that port 8080 is not used by annother application or blocked by your firewall??
First, try the first entry only and then add the second-one
( I used /24 instead /28, works here…)
remove the " ," after the font?