So I did some quick googling over coffee this morning. I think there is a two part suggestion for you. Please note, this will require research and testing which I have not done, this is just directional.

Install MMM-RemoteControl - Add some custom code to the MMM-Remote-Control module to handle requests for turning on/off the motion device.

In MMM-Remote-Control’s node_helper.js module, you can find the “MONITORON” code:

if (query.action === "MONITORON") { exec("tvservice --preferred && sudo chvt 6 && sudo chvt 7", opts, function(error, stdout, stderr){ self.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res); }); return true; }


query.action defines a trigger word for the MMM-RemoteControl to listen for. exec() - executes a command on the OS The rest is for error checking that the external command executed.

In your case, we could define the following:

if (query.action === "MOTIONON") { exec("echo "motion_enable on" > ~/pikrellcam/www/FIFO", opts, function(error, stdout, stderr){ self.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res); }); return true; } if (query.action === "MOTIONOFF") { exec("echo "motion_enable off" > ~/pikrellcam/www/FIFO", opts, function(error, stdout, stderr){ self.checkForExecError(error, stdout, stderr, res); }); return true; }