Hi Everyone, my MMM-MyCommute is displaying a travel time as “X hours”, but I would like it to be more precise. Google Maps shows it as “X hr Y min.” I simply want the minutes included. I can’t get travelTimeFormat or travelTimeFormatTrim to affect any change for me, and I can’t find any arguments about precision. Any ideas?


{ module: "MMM-MyCommute", position: "bottom_right", header: 'Current Traffic', config: { apikey: '//API KEY//', origin: "//ORIGIN ADDRESS", startTime: "00:00", nextTransitVehicleDepartureFormat: "[next at] h:mm a", endTime: "23:59", destinations: [ { destination: '//DESTINATION 1 ADDRESS', label: "Destination 1", mode: "driving", alternatives: true, color: "#82E5AA" }, { destination: '//DESTINATION 2 ADDRESS', label: "Destination 2", mode: "transit", transitMode: "subway", showNextVehicleDeparture: true, color: "#e5e082" } ] } },