What is your default for ‘units’ in the config.js file?
Config Options…
Possible values: config.units = Specified by config.js, default = Kelvin, metric = Celsius, imperial =Fahrenheit
and if your are asking about the current weather module
useKMPHwind Uses KMPH as units for windspeed.
Possible values:true or false
Default value: false
useBeaufort Pick between using the Beaufort scale for wind speed or using the default units.
Possible values: true or false
Default value: true
if you are using weather module - windUnits
What units to use for wind speed. If specified overrides units setting. Specified by config.js
Possible values: config.units = Specified by config.js, default = Kelvin, metric = Celsius, imperial = Fahrenheit
It’s best to check your options per module.