@strawberry-3.141 Yes it works! You are the man! Thank you.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: MMM-WienerLinien
RE: MMM-WienerLinien
@strawberry-3.141 i found API documentation but its in German
RE: MMM-WienerLinien
Hi fewieden!
first off all, thanks for this module, will be very useful for Viennese people.
I found small issue with the module. Seems, response from WienerLinien is not the same for all types of transport.Check response for RBL: 4414 vs 199
therefore module gets bigger (size-wise) and displays a result in one row (+ overlapping with calendar):
RE: City of Vienna - Public Transport Realtime Monitor
Hi people,
i am also looking forward to this module.
Here is another source, maybe can be useful:
https://github.com/tom94zoe/magicMirrorand to test API you can use:
http://www.wienerlinien.at/ogd_realtime/monitor?rbl=4259&sender=GDxCvVKMAfrXja1FSearch for RBL numbers: