A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
  • MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic error removal

    2 Votes
    4 Posts
    @chrisfr1976 Great. I have just adjusted the list in the wiki accordingly :-)
  • MMM-PublicTransportHafas direction parameter not working anymore

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    @blinkybob I’ve been running into some challenges with the direction settings too. Please try ignoreRelatedStations: true parameter. That helped me in the first module. Unfortunately, it didn’t help in the second one for the opposite direction.
  • MMM-Flights

    3 Votes
    47 Posts
    @karsten13 Very nice and thank you!
  • 1 Votes
    1 Posts
    Re: MMM-ResRobot - Public transport information for Sweden Since Trafiklab also provides a free api to the GTFS files, I wanted to add the delay to the buss timetable that I currently show with the MMM-Resrobot module. I took a shortcut and added my GTFS-implementation in a fork/branch of MMM-Resrobot, so all creds to the creator of that module! My branch also contains modificatios that does not only affect the realtime-data that you might not want in your version. I think i hardcoded a filter to only show busses heading towards the city, so you might not want to directly clone my branch without having a look at it first (search for “directionFlag”). [image: 1730728157557-b77fd1a0-62ab-49c1-809b-af7183952eb0-image.png] to use: create free account in www.trafiklab.se create project create api-keys for Stops data, ResRobot v2.1 & GTFS Regional Realtime find your station ID for the buss-stop download “_stops.xml” for sweden: easiest to do it in the web-browser by browsing: https://opendata.samtrafiken.se/stopsregister-netex-sweden/sweden.zip?key=<your API key for Stops data> find your stop-id called local-stoppoint-gid that matches your buss-stop this file is very hard to traverse, so i made a script to do it for me: (change “Gävle Domarringen” to your stop and point to where you have the _steps.xml) perl -0777 -ne 'while (/Gävle Domarringen(?:(?!<\/StopPlace>).)*?local-stoppoint-gid<\/Key>\n *<Value>\d*:(.*?)<\/Value>\n/sg) { print "stop: $1\n" }' data/_stops.xml which outputs something like: - stop: 9022021480123001 - stop: 9022021480123002 the two stops are on the different sides of the road, and i only wanted the one with the 2 at the end (heading towards town in my case which I found out by looking att the actual data and comparing with the x-trafik-app). Use this stop-ID in the config.js where I added a GTFSRegionalRealtime, se my example config-setup for resrobot.
  • MMM-FlightTracker - Real time plane tracker using ADS-B systems

    2 Votes
    29 Posts
    MMM-FlightTracker is a MagicMirror module that provides real-time tracking of aircraft using ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) data. It displays information like flight number, airline, altitude, speed, and current location on a map. This module is a valuable tool for aviation enthusiasts, travelers, or anyone interested in monitoring air traffic.
  • MMM-Gas

    2 Votes
    56 Posts
    @DDE12 You can try MMM-Fuel you have to use gasbuddy instead of autoblog. It works for me at least for now…
  • Traffic Maps (Any recent users?)

    0 Votes
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    @sdetweil Roger wico will give update a try…btw, installed and tested TomTomIncident module. That one is working too! Thank you! Anthony
  • [FR] MMM-PrixCarburants

    0 Votes
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    Bonjour, Tout d’abord, merci pour ce module bien pratique. J’ai, pour ma part, apporter quelques modifications dans l’affichage : j’ai remplacé la marque par le nom de la station car j’ai plusieurs stations de la même marque dans les 2 communes qui m’intéressent. Le logo est suffisant pour identifier la marque. -j’ai ajouté l’adresse de la station car, quand il y a plusieurs stations de la même marque , dans la même commune, et qu’elles ne pratiquent pas forcément le même tarif, il est difficile de savoir où se trouve la moins chère. -j’ai limité l’affichage à 30 lignes (ou juste un peu plus pour ne pas couper une station) car, au-delà, la liste déborde dans le bas de l’écran surtout si l’on souhaite avoir l’intégralité des carburants. Pour ma part, je n’affiche que E95, E10 et SP98 mais j’ai 13 stations à proximité et ça passe. J’ai une question sur la liste des stations. Comment est-elle mise à jour sachant que, chez moi, une station BP est passée ESSO et que les stations CASINO sont en train de passer sous les marques AUCHAN et INTERMARCHE ? Merci d’avance pour ta réponse Bonne soirée Cordialement

    1 Votes
    13 Posts
    @Jo4K Bonjour et merci pour votre travail. Je suis dans la même situation aucune réponse à part : “Chargement des prochains trains”. J’ai ajouté la fonction debugging, mais rien ne s’affiche. Ce module est-il toujours fonctionnel.
  • 1 Votes
    14 Posts
    @Horyzon I posted a reply to your pending post. it contains private info. please correct it and resubmit
  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @yvonne910rhodes said in Verbindung werden beim Einfügen der optionalen Parametern nicht angezeigt: @Ronny said in Verbindung werden beim Einfügen der optionalen Parametern nicht angezeigt: Re: MMM-DVB - Local Dresden transport (DVB) departure times Milestone Card Hallo. Bei mir erscheint beim einfügen der optionalen Parametern die Meldung “keine Verbindungen verfügbar” { module: 'MMM-DVB', position: 'top_left', config: { stopName: 'Hauptbahnhof', // Which stop would you like to have displayed? timeOffset: 5, // With how many minutes in advance should connections be displayed? resultNum: 5, // How many connections should be displayed? lines: ["1", "2"], // What lines should be displayed? directions: ["Striesen"], // What directions should be displayed? reload: 60000, // How often should the information be updated? (In milliseconds) noTableHeader: false, // suppress table header if true showRelative: true //show relative time to departure from the current moment (if less than 15 minutes) } } Mit den Grund Parametern funktioniert es. Kann mir bitte jemand weiterhelfen? Ich danke Euch. Es scheint, als ob es ein Problem mit den optionalen Parametern in Ihrer Konfiguration des MMM-DVB Moduls gibt. Die Meldung “keine Verbindungen verfügbar” deutet darauf hin, dass das Modul keine Daten von der API abrufen kann. Dies könnte an mehreren Dingen liegen: Überprüfen Sie die API-Verbindung: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Modul korrekt mit der API verbunden ist und dass keine Netzwerkprobleme vorliegen. Syntax überprüfen: Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Syntax Ihrer Konfigurationsdatei korrekt ist. Manchmal können kleine Tippfehler oder falsche Anführungszeichen Probleme verursachen. Richtige Parameterwerte: Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Werte, die Sie für lines und directions angegeben haben, gültig sind und von der API akzeptiert werden. API-Beschränkungen: Es könnte sein, dass die API bestimmte Anfragen mit zu vielen Parametern nicht verarbeiten kann. Versuchen Sie, die Anzahl der Parameter zu reduzieren. Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie Ihre Konfiguration aussehen könnte: { "module": "MMM-DVB", "position": "top_left", "config": { "stopName": "Hauptbahnhof", "timeOffset": 5, "resultNum": 5, "lines": ["1", "2"], "directions": ["Striesen"], "reload": 60000, "noTableHeader": false, "showRelative": true } } Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Parameter korrekt formatiert sind und keine unerwarteten Zeichen enthalten. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, könnte es hilfreich sein, die Dokumentation des MMM-DVB Moduls zu konsultieren oder die Community um Hilfe zu bitten, falls es sich um ein spezifischeres Problem handelt. Is this solution worked for you or not? If you need any help let me know.
  • MMM-PublicTransportHafas

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Updated today to the new “hafas-client” code, try it out here
  • 8 Votes
    178 Posts
    strawberry 3.141S
    2.5.0 Thanks to marcx28 for their contributions. Fixed Sorting by price Added Dependency: lodash Changed Allow custom header text Link to module https://github.com/fewieden/MMM-Fuel
  • MMM-ResRobot - Public transport information for Sweden

    3 Votes
    138 Posts
    @axllin the module name folder name modulename.js and register inside the modulename.js must match exactly in text case the message says we found the folder matching (cause there is an error for that too) but not the js
  • Is MMM-FAA-Delay still working?

    0 Votes
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    @rrslssr According to issue 3, the API now requires a key and not even the developer has received one.
  • New MMM-CTA Module for Chicago Transit

    1 Votes
    1 Posts
    I created a new MMM-CTA for Chicago Transit. I was inspired by the one from NateDee, but it had not been updated in a while. The big difference in my version is that you can pass an array of stops instead of just a single train or bus stop, so you can display as many stops as you want in a single widget. I plan on continuing work and maintenance on this, it is set up with a test suite & CI tooling to make it easy to accept contributions and continue maintaining. Please let me know if there is anything you’d like to see or if you run into any problems!
  • PIR-sensor control

    0 Votes
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    Re: MMM-ResRobot - Public transport information for Sweden Hello, I am wondering if it’s possible to control the updateInterval variable with signals from another module? I am using MMM-PIR-Sensor and would like’s to have one minute updateInterval when user presence is detected and one hour when it’s not. This is to minimise the API requests when the mirror isn’t used. Or do you have a better way of achieving this? Thank you for a grate module, Gott nytt år, F
  • MMM-BMWConnected (BMW Connected Drive data)

    3 Votes
    32 Posts
    Hello, Is this module totally buried because BMW did something to their API ?
  • MMM-Tronity - multi-manufacturer EV data via Tronity Platform

    2 Votes
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    @robotfish Nice module, if I could get it working. The module stays in the ‘initialisation’-stage. Why?
  • MMM-Tesla3 released

    1 Votes
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    MMM-Tesla3 The MMM-Tesla2 was forked to get the code base up to speed with the current state of Tesla API authentication and structure, and to improve the GUI to match MMM-Teslamate quality while requiring no database setup on your MM. Any feedback is appreciated. [image: MMM-Tesla3.png]