i’v tryed with my address, the same.
the “…–…–…” are original here
but this
'01-01-....': [
'..-..-....': [
is the result of MMM-Remote-Control module (edit config), i’v changed it to original
"01-01-....": [
function() {return "<i class=\"fa fa-glass-cheers\"></i> Happy New Year! " + moment().format("YYYY")}
"..-..-....": [
function() {return moment().locale(config.language).format("dddd, D MMMM")}
// https://forum.magicmirror.builders/topic/13332/reloading-config-defaults-or-module
the same problem
i have searched here for the missing file, nothing.
i am testing again ;-)
thanks for your help