@SurfingCA IIRC MMM-Podcast works together with MMM-Button which enables you to use a hardware button to start playing the video/podcast. So you can either (1) use this OR (2) emulate its behaviour using MMM-RemoteControl. (1) is properly documented I guess. For (2) you have to send the exact notification MMM-Button would have sent. By looking through source code, you’ll see that it is BUTTON_PRESSED (with a payload of true, which gets ignored in MMM-Podcast anyway). So, you should be able to use http://ip:8080/remote?action=NOTIFICATION& notification=BUTTON_PRESSED to activate MMM-Podcast to play the video. Note: obviously you have to replace ip with the correct IP and you have to remove the whitespace between & and notification which I had to insert to prevent & and not to get converted to ¬ on this board.