Hi! I have almost no knowledge of coding, but I’ve been learning a little here and there with this project. I have a small clip that I would like to play on command using MMM-Remote Control. Almost everywhere I’ve turned, I’ve seen people recommending MMM-Podcast but I don’t actually have a physical button to play it with and I don’t want to have my pi trying to run voice command all the time for the rest of forever, especially since I wanted this to be subtle, so I could turn it on without friends noticing. Without the button, I’m not even sure if MMM-Podcast works right now and I don’t know if MMM-Remote Control has the ability to activate MMM-Podcast at all. I did manage to get a module called MMM-htmlvideo to play the test video that it came with, but not mine (I suspect this is because my video is a file on the pi as opposed to a web address) and this module plays the videos once or on loop, and I want it to play on command. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all so much!
A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.

MMM-Podcast (or playing a video on command at all) without button?