problem Solved, By changing the port of the Mopidy to 8081 and all was well.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
RE: Blocking MagicMirror from the Web.
RE: Where to begin for module making?
Excellent. Thank you SvenSommer. I will definitely use that to help.
I love your build. Very stunning!
RE: Blocking MagicMirror from the Web.
Ofcourse Damian…
In the config files for both I could just change the port settings.
sudo nano ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js
The port is the first Variable in the config section (default: 8080)Mopidy:
sudo nano ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
Here I uncommented the [http] section and for the hostname I used the Pi’s IP and port is 8081.This solved the problem and I am now able to run my MagicMirror and Mopidy at the same time…
RE: Blocking MagicMirror from the Web.
No I want to be able to control it from anywhere in the house. So I am using the Mopidy web App to control the music and the display just shows the mirror as per the usual magicmirror…
Will put up some photos when it actually takes shape.
RE: Blocking MagicMirror from the Web.
Hey Sorry for the long wait. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with playing it locally actually…
I put all my music on the SD card under the /home/pi/music/ file…
So in the /etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf under the [local] function I added the /home/pi/music/ as the dir…
Then I did a local scan and it pulled all my music in.