Thanks @Mykle and @sdetweil. So far my experience with the zoom option, you can zoom in, but you can never zoom out. I tried both 1 and 0 as zoom settings and it never went down. I was able to connect a keyboard and adjust it that way.
I’ve downloaded the css file @sdetweil linked that’s based on screen percentage. I’ll play with it this weekend. I understand this only adjusts the text fonts and not icons. I assume I can adjusts the icons in the module itself. The only modules I’m using that have icons are the weather ones.
One unrelated observation, I can’t restart mm with the command I’ve seen: ‘pm2 restart mm’. What I’ve found is mm restarts when save changes to the config.js file. So, in order to simulate this I created an alias for the command ‘touch $HOME/MagicMirror/config/config.js’. That seems to work for me. Let me know if there’s a better way to restart mm. Again, my only access is through SSH.
Thanks again for the help.