Hi @sean, when copying the config, I noticed the sensitivity for hotword “johnyjohny” was 6.0 rather than 0.6 (which I edited here), but still, would it accept any word outside the hotwords with sensitivity set so wrongly?
(PS; removed some brackets so don’t mind them missing)
module: "MMM-Hotword",
config: {
snowboy: [
hotwords: "johnyjohny",
file: "resources/models/JohnyJohny.pmdl",
sensitivity: '0.6',
hotwords: "smartmirror", //this will be sended to other module for distinguishing which hotword is detected.
file: "resources/models/smart_mirror.umdl",
sensitivity: '0.5',
hotwords: "snowboy",
file: "resources/models/snowboy.umdl",
sensitivity: '0.5',
file: 'resources/models/jarvis.umdl',
sensitivity: '0.8,0.80',
hotwords: ['jarvis','jarvis'] //Kitt.ai changed their Jarvis UMDL, it has 2 models in one file. So weird.
//anyway, you can give different name for each. ['jarvis_1', 'jarvis_2']. Even though I think this is useless.
record: {
sampleRate : 16000, // audio sample rate
threshold : 0.5, // silence threshold (rec only)
thresholdStart: null, // silence threshold to start recording, overrides threshold (rec only)
thresholdEnd : null, // silence threshold to end recording, overrides threshold (rec only)
silence : 1.0, // seconds of silence before ending
verbose : false, // log info to the console
recordProgram: "arecord",
device: "plughw:1",
autostart: true,
autorestart: false,
testMic: false, //If set as true, You can test whether Mic device is working properly.
notifications: {
onDetected: {
notification: (payload) => {
payload: (payload) => {
return payload
module: "MMM-AssistantMk2",
position: "top_center",
config: {
useWelcomeMessage: "Hey boss",
notifications: {