Application for the MMM-Remote-Control module.
Works only on Wi-Fi networks.
Inaccuracies with the translation into English are possible, please advise how the translation could be corrected. I will also be glad to have ideas for new features or widgets and translations.
Power and monitor management;
Displaying system information about the raspberry pi; (changes are required in the MMM-Remote-Control module)
VNC launch; (changes are required in the MMM-Remote-Control module)
Widgets for switching profiles, timer, stopwatch, breathing exercises, installed modules (test widget);
The widget displays the module required for installation;
2 languages: Russian (main), English (additional)
Working with multiple mirrors;
Switching pages;
Custom commands.
Password for admin mode Admin
Changes in the MMM-Remote-Control module
api.js add to line 109 (after this.configOnHd.modules.filter(mod => skippedModules )
//системный монитор
getStats: function() {
var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var stats = ''
var temperature = fs.readFileSync("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp");
temperature = ((temperature/1000).toPrecision(3));
var cpu = fs.readFileSync("/proc/loadavg");
cpu = cpu.slice(0,4);
var upTime = fs.readFileSync("/proc/uptime");
stats = 'temp: '+temperature+'; '+'cpu: '+cpu+'/'+os.cpus().length+'; '+'ram: '+Math.floor(os.freemem()/os.totalmem()*100)+'; '+'uptime: '+os.uptime()+';';//+'memory: '+memory+';';
return stats;
//запуск VNC
startVNC: function() {
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec('vncserver-x11 -showstatus');
return 'OK';
api.js add to line 156 (after this.expressRouter.route([‘/test’,‘/’]) )
this.expressRouter.route(['/systemStats']) // //системный монитор без apiKey
.get((req, res) => {
if (!this.checkInititialized(res)) { return; }
res.json({ data: this.getStats() });
api.js add to line 226 (after this.expressRouter.route([
‘/refresh/:delayed?’, )
this.expressRouter.route(['/startVNC']) // запуск VNC
.get((req, res) => {
if(!this.apiKey && this.secureEndpoints) return res.status(403).json({ success: false, message: "Forbidden: API Key Not Provided in Config! Use secureEndpoints to bypass this message" });
if (!this.checkInititialized(res)) { return; }
res.json({ data: this.startVNC()});