Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Need help for MMM-Carousel
I have some Troubles with the MMM-Carousel Module. It shows me always only one of my Modules even when i say that he has to ignore some Modules with ignoreModules: [‘clock‘]…
Then i also tried the slides function with two different slides but its still the same. Can somebody help me?
i still need help. Now i saw, that the ignoreModules: funktion works but only with the last line. (ignoreModules: [‘clock’] ) in my example.
Here is my config.js code:
{ module: 'MMM-Carousel', config: { ignoreModules: [ 'alert' ], ignoreModules: [ 'MMM-iCloud-Client' ], ignoreModules: [ 'MMM-DWD-WarnWeather' ], ignoreModules: [ 'calendar' ], ignoreModules: [ 'compliments' ], ignoreModules: [ 'MMM-swisstransport'], ignoreModules: [ 'clock' ], } },
The way you put it overrides ignoreModules everytime. You need to define it as an array:
{ module: 'MMM-Carousel', config: { ignoreModules: [ 'alert', 'MMM-iCloud-Client', 'MMM-DWD-WarnWeather', 'calendar', 'compliments', 'MMM-swisstransport', 'clock' ], } },
Thank you very much. Now it works fine! Now i have two new Questions.
I also tried to realize it with the slides:[] function. But if i do that it shows me always only one modul. I have takken the code from here! Well it’s not very important i just want to know how it works.
My second Question is more important. When i have 2 different modules at the same position. Then normaly it shows me the second Modul straight under the first Modul. When i use the Carousel Modul for this two modules why the second one is still at the same position and not at the position from the first hidding modul. Is it posible to change that?