Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Struggling with Weather... module
Just to update the forum, as to what happened behind closed doors
Sam kindly tested my code, and it worked for him.
I am recieving browser errors (previously requested but i wasnt looking in the right bit of the browser window)… he is not
Console Tab
the last 5 entries here will reoccur, im guessing at every “retry” for weather infoattempted to use
useCorsProxy: true
to no availSam kindly posted into git hub issues. -
and it works out of the box (without setting theuseCorsProxy
flag).Looking into the provided config
weatherProvider: 'ukmetofficedatahub', lat: "52.###############", long: "-1.###############",
which is messed up. It has to be:
weatherProvider: 'ukmetofficedatahub', lat: 52.###############, lon: -1.###############,
@karsten13 I tested w those in quotes, and it worked ok
did only test without, but there is another error
… -
@karsten13 I just copy pasted and it worked.
i too am getting this… showing me some 80+miles SEE of my actual location
also… replace the hash symbols with various numbers… im not posting my exact Lat/Long for obvious reasons…make sure ur doing
i had it set to lat & lon(G) which is incorrect. hence why it was 80+miles, way tf over there!
quote marks or none surronding the numbers doesnt appear to matter, for me at least
This “issue” is fixed.
Advised by Sam, I ran these 2 commands to find modified files that differ from a “clean install/default” of MM.
git status git diff
Any that varied… I ran:
git checkout <dir-tree>/file.extension
Rebuilt my config.js and found that apiBase HAS to be commented out.
On reflection DO NOT CHANGE ANY FILE aside from “config.js”
I had 3 causes for this issue.- (edit) i had longitude set in config.js to “long:”… it should be “lon:” and the lat/lon do not have to be surrounded by any quote marks.
- I’d modified other *.js files, that didn’t need to be modified.
- the “apiBase” argument listed in (MagicMirror Documentation > Modules > Weather Module > Configuration Options) was, in my case, not “REQUIRED”.
@sdetweil … Sam, publically, I cant thank you enough for your help with this. Sorry for being a n00b, your insight and help was invaluable, and you taught me some stuff, which is great!!
@D3dl3g glad u got it working. we are all noobs at some of this stuff…