Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Calendar randomly stops updating itself
@outlying Just for assurance:
The calendar URLs you’re posting are the real ones or just abbreviated for privacy here? -
@Fozi he said they were not actual.
@outlying can u tell us about your environment?
I think if there is a fetch error, it’s not recoverable…u might be able to see this in the startup console if u change the config.js logLevel like this
logLevel: ["INFO", "LOG", "WARN", "ERROR", "DEBUG"],
and start mm with
npm start > somefile.txt
(so u need to stop mm if using pm2 )
@sdetweil Yeah, I see… When I setup calendar quite some time ago I remember that I had some trouble, too.
What I did -I cant’t remember why because it is undocumented- was to change
fromtimeFormat: "absolute",
timeFormat: "HH:mm",
That is a shot in the dark, but might help, too.
Sure I will respond with the results in a couple of days but I moved to another apartment and my mirror is not yet running (I hoped it will not take that long).
But the problem with logs is, that it might take a couple of days, usually, after the restart, it works fine for a week or two, maybe more, and suddenly stops.
@outlying ok, that sounds like a networking problem, causing an error and never recovering
I have noticed the same thing, or rather my Ma has on the one I made for her. Some times the news won’t update until it power cycles again. If nothing bad happens to the breaker sometimes will display same news from a month ago.