A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@bicolorbore586 eh? mine shows the cake on each row
@bicolorbore586 i just pasted the sample config from the doc into the config.js no changes
has two names/rows
@bicolorbore586 I think u said u want it on the row
then it DOES matter where u put it…
it has to be on the TABLE ROW
like my codeinside the <tr> ---- row is a column <th> ---- header and data for column <td> --- column data
@sdetweil so, I now have the icon in each row, but it fills the name column and shifts the name to the date, date to days and pops the days on the end… (sorry absolute noob at this, trying to move things around, but can’t for the live of me see how to change it).
{% for p in people.slice(0,limit) %}{% if p.days == 0 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}<tr>
Name Date Days {{p.name}} {{p.date}} Today {{p.days}} -
@bicolorbore586 u didn’t add a column to the table header
see my code which has a new th
@sdetweil got ya!
I hadn’t created the column in the right place.
Thanks for your patience and guidance.