Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Hourly weather showing up as undefined location
@jimmy_382837 Can not reproduce it. What lat/lon and locationID are you using?
@rejas he doesn’t have a locationID specified
@sdetweil In his first psot he has, just wanted to make sure I get the whole config related to weather.
@rejas this is my exact config with the lat / lon below, minus the api key. i pulled the lat / lon off of’s search for austin, us.
i didn’t include the locationID, given i thought the module ignored it when on hourly mode.
{ module: "weather", position: "top_right", header: "Hourly Weather Forecast", config: { weatherProvider: "openweathermap", weatherEndpoint: "/onecall", type: "hourly", lat: 30.267, lon: -97.743, apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxx", initialLoadDelay: 5000, maxEntries: 12, roundTemp: true, fade: false } },
@jimmy_382837 openweathermap requires a location or locationID value
see the note on the location property
@sdetweil thanks - and sorry this is a pain and probably stupid user error on my part, but even when i put in a locationID, it still gives me the undefined error.
{ module: "weather", position: "top_right", header: "Hourly Weather Forecast", config: { weatherProvider: "openweathermap", weatherEndpoint: "/onecall", type: "hourly", lat: 30.267, lon: -97.743, locationID: 4671654, apiKey: "xxxxxxx", initialLoadDelay: 5000, maxEntries: 12, roundTemp: true, fade: false } },
@jimmy_382837 ok, looking thru the doc, as u picked hourly and and /onecall then locationID is not used…
so, I would try to make the lat/lon more specific with additional decimal places. the example shows 4, u only have 3. all my code using the onecall api uses 6
@sdetweil hmm, extending the lat / lon to 6 decimals doesn’t seem to help either.
if i go to the api url directly with the 6 decimal lat / lon and my api key, it does return something, so i know the inputs are working.
however, it still is showing up as undefined on the mirror output itself.
it seems to be something with the onecall endpoint. if i comment out the endpoint and switch the “type” from hourly to forecast, it works again. but when i switch back to hourly and uncomment the endpoint, it says undefined again.
i signed up for an openweather subscription too, as it looked like the one call 3.0 api is only available to subscribers, but that didn’t seem to help either.
any other thoughts or ideas? sorry again for the basic questions and thank you for trying to help me troubleshoot this.
@jimmy_382837 I used your config and my apikey and opened the developers window (ctrl-shift-i) and selected the console tab and see this for hourly,minutely,daily&units=metric&lang=en&APPID=ff733a72afeb5c35xxxxxxxxx757dd 401 (Unauthorized)
T,minutely,daily&units=metric&lang=en&APPID=ff733a72afeb5c35xxxxxxxxx757dd 401 (Unauthorized)hourly is not available on my apikey
@sdetweil ah yes, i had to subscribe to the one call 3.0 api and then wait about a half an hour for my api to update. now it works - thanks for helping me troubleshoot!