Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Location / title in default module weather (openweather)
Since the installation of the new default weather module, it behaves slightly differently than before. So far I have adjusted everything and it seems to work. Unfortunately, the headline is not correct. I used to have my location in there and since the update, it always shows Europe/Zurich. Which is probably read from the Raspi configuration. But I want to enter my location or a free text there without “Europe/Zurich”, but I can’t get it to work. I have tried every combination (with no location, with log/lat.). No way! Please find attached my config and a picture of my module.
thanks for the tip. I hadn’t actually tried this combination and now it works:
header: ‘This is where my text comes in’,
appendLocationNameToHeader: false,
…Thank you!