Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Calendar is showing a day late
Every color on here is a different Google calendar. For some reason, my two newest calendars, trash and recycling schedule (🗑️&♻️) are showing up a day late.
On Google, they’re on Tuesdays. They originally showed on Tuesdays, but around DST, they started showing up on Wednesday. I don’t know if it messed up exactly on DST. I just noticed it a few days after.
I checked my calendar settings and the time zone is set the same as all of my other calendars that are behaving correctly. All of my other repetitive all-day events are showing correctly.
Any idea what’s causing this?
@angeliKITTYx the calendar module has problems.
an updated version is coming on next release Jan 1, which should resolve these problems.
you can test it now by using the develop branch where all the changed are staged.
for how to get the develop branch ready.
note you will need to run
npm run install-mmif you use my upgrade script, it will switch you back to the master branch for you before upgrading
@sdetweil thanks Sam! I’ll just wait until the update on the first. I appreciate the quick reply!
@sdetweil happy new year! Since the first of the year, a few of my calendars aren’t showing up at all. I have 7 different calendars loaded in my module, but only 2 of them show up now when I launch MM. Is there something I can do to fix them?
@angeliKITTYx this is showing in CalendarExt3??? or default view??
if Ext3, did you put on the fix for broadcast clipping??